Friday, May 22, 2015

Picture Box

Sometimes I just can't understand myself, how I drop-the-ball. We have been without a camera since December. That's when Hadrian decided to put our cameras waterproof abilities to the test! We've made due with our phones and IPads, but we have missed many a "Kodak Moment".
It's not easy to replace equipment on a budget as tight as Leona Helmsley's charity fund. At first I surfed the net and made a list of the cameras I liked based on there waterproof ability, and reviews, but when it came to price I was dead in the water (pardon the pun). Then one day, as I continued my search I noticed that cameras follow fashion trends like they were a pair of shoes. Nobody wants last seasons shoes, or cameras it seems. As a result last years models were deeply discounted, and in my price! It is curious to me how we react to the word "obsolete". It's a new camera, it has 52 more functions than you'll ever use unless you're a professional, but yet everyone wants the new model. I got my equipment for about 80% off retail. The way I see it, if your opinion of me comes down to my fashion sense in cameras I was probably already long destine to a bad review from you, so I'll just spend that extra money on a beer.
A very fashionable captain.

Marie enjoying a beer at Coral Bay, St. John.

Doctor Diaz! Yeah, I like the sound of that.

Okay, the first water test for our new camera.

Derrick's initiation, eating the conch pistol!

Maho Bay at sunset.

Okay, now we're having fun with the camera!

A sting ray.

A majestic elk-horn coral at Waterlemon Key.

A sea fan.

An elk-horn coral garden.

Derrick in the garden.

A stoplight parrotfish hiding by a sea fan.

A damselfish in fire coral.

Look closer, there's a slipper lobster in the center of this picture.

Jaala and Jordo.

A male stoplight parrotfish.

a tube sponge.

Really cool Caribbean squid.

Impressive coral garden.

A Blue Tang.

Stinging coral.

A school of Blue Tangs.

A day at the baths.

The Baths.

Derrick at the Baths.

Derrick, Hadrian and Eva at the Baths.